Gracieux Danseur
I'll dance for you, because we're in this together, no matter what.

The flowers on the roadside trembled
- Full Name⁓ Calliope Adair―カリオペ アデア
- Age⁓16➺22
- Birthday⁓ April 29 (Taurus)(29th day of the Great Tree Moon)
- Height⁓ 4'8 (142 cm) (5'0 on heels)➺4'10 (147cm-Timeskip)(5'2 on heels)
- Weight⁓ 87 lbs➺106 lbs (Timeskip)
- Orientation⁓ Bisexual (Male Lean)
- Likes⁓Dancing, Studying, Dual Wielding, Dogs, Tea, Sweets, Strawberries, Fluffy things, Roses, Romance stories, Children, Snow
- Dislikes⁓False/Broken Promises, Being teased for her height, Wicked nobles, Spiders, Bitterness, The heat, Ghosts, Thunderstorms, The Goddess, Lies
- Recruitment Requirements⁓ Charm, Reason
- Starting Class⁓ Commoner
- Unique Class/Default Post-Timeskip Class⁓ Dancer
- Advanced Class⁓ Warlock
- Master Class⁓ Gremory
- Starting Weapon⁓ Iron Sword
- Proficiencies⁓ Sword, Reason and Faith
- Budding Talent⁓ Bow
- Inefficiencies⁓ Heavy Armor, Riding
- Lost Items⁓ Diamond-shaped Hair Accessory―A hair accessory that is shaped like a diamond. It seems to belong to someone who usually wears hair accessories.
Dancer's Veil―A silk veil that seems to be used fairly often by someone who tends to dance for a living.
Romeo and Juliet―A book involving the story of star crossed lovers that possibly belongs to someone who loves stories of romance.
- Favorite Gifts⁓ Tasty Baked Treat, Gemstone Beads, Stylish Hair Clip, Armored Bear Stuffy, Book of Sheet Music, Owl Feather, Dapper Handkerchief, Roses, The History of Fódlan, Legends of Chivalry
- Disliked Gifts⁓ Monarch Studies Book, Arithmetic Textbook, Goddess Statuette, Riding Boots, Coffee Beans, Training Weight
- Favorite Tea Flavor(s)⁓ Crescent-Moon Tea, Lavender Blend
- Favorite Foods⁓ Garreg Mach Meat Pie, Sautéed Pheasant and Eggs, Sweet and Salty Whitefish Sauté, Fruit and Herring Tart, Vegetable Pasta Salad, Peach Sorbet, Saghert and Cream, Sweet Bun Trio, and Pheasant Roast with Berry Sauce
- Personal Skill⁓ Dancer― When Rally command is used on ally, grants Magic +4 to target
Base Stats
HP | Str | Mag | Dex | Spd | Lck | Def | Res | Cha |
25 | 7 | 9 | 7 | 9 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 8 |
Growth stats
HP | Str | Mag | Dex | Spd | Lck | Def | Res | Cha |
30 | 20 | 50 | 45 | 55 | 30 | 20 | 30 | 50 |
Rank | Reason | Faith |
D | Blizzard | Heal |
D+ | - | Nosferatu |
C | Sagittae | Recover |
C+ | - | - |
B | Cutting Gale | Silence |
B+ | - | - |
A | Fimbulvetr | Seraphim |
A+ | - | - |
Yet, a flower opposed the wind
Calliope Adair was the second daughter born to a renowned Dancer and a Weapon forger. Calliope did not have much of a difficult childhood, as the family had money to persevere due to her mother, Ella's summons from Nobles for performances, and her father, Dion's work as a weapon forger. Her elder sister, Illuminée had learned how to forge as well as her father while she, herself, inherited her mother's love for dancing. Her younger twin brothers, Viel and Vrai, had begun learning from their father and eldest sister, making Calliope the only child to take on her mother's love for dancing. However, At age 10, she started learning how to use the sword from her father due to him being a former soldier prior to marrying Ella.Calliope, or Lippe, as her family and friends called her, grew up as a quiet woman. However, when she was 13, her father became terribly sick. Although her mother worked hard to buy medicine for her ill husband while Illuminée had run the shop in his place, Dion just became sicker and sicker each day. However, 2 years later, Dion passed away while Ella had been at one of her summons. Dion's death had affected Ella negatively, along with their children. This had been around the time Calliope had been allowed to accompany her mother to her summons, however, there were many that did not go so well, nobles who wanted to pay her mother to give Lippe to them as their bride, however, Lippe knew they only wanted her only for her talent and her beauty, this was what caused her disdain for the wicked nobility. Months after her father's death, Lieselotte, the youngest Adair sibling, was born. However, the baby was sickly due to Ella's condition after the death of Dion. Due to Ella's and Illuminee's work, Calliope had to care for her twin younger brothers and her sickly younger sister.Calliope as well as her elder sister had been allowed to enroll in Officer's Academy due to them catching the attention of a noble due to their talent enthralling him, despite Calliope being a little wary about the nobles within the school. However, she would not be aware as to what would occur as she would grow up into a young woman.Past Interactions
- Met Ashe while he was still an orphan in their village in Gaspard. However, since the two were fairly young, and Lippe was obscured, the two don't know that they have met before.
- Met Yuri while he was still living with Lord Rowe during one of her mother's summons. However, she only spoke with him a few times.
The flower to which I came close
Lippe is a quiet woman, but is usually really friendly with her classmates and teachers. However, her quiet nature is to a fault as she sometimes does seem a little rude with her responses when she does not know what to say. Although she holds a lot of pain from the passing of her father, she would save a smile for any of her fellow classmates.She also holds a lot of responsibility in protecting her remaining family members, and tends to be a little overprotective when it comes to them. Lippe also does tend to lose a lot of sleep, since she has a love for studying. So whenever the morning starts, she usually comes to class exhausted, but is still able to pull through with the lessons. However, Lippe can be a bit forgetful, forgetting things such as changing into her uniform to bringing belongings. When it comes to dancing, she shows a boldness that she normally wouldn't show when she's not dancing. Beneath that exterior, Lippe holds a lot of resentment, even to the point that she does what she hates the most, lying to the people she finds important to her. This is a side of her that she deems to be ugly and dislikes having her friends see that side of her. It's shown that Lippe's personality around her classmates during this time is fake, but she slowly warms up to everyone over time.Despite Lippe's quiet nature, she also holds a more feminine side as she would tend to be a more romantic woman and would dream of true love.

Was covered with mud and died
Calliope is a girl with light skin and long, peach-colored hair that reaches down to her hips and pink eyes. Compared to her siblings, she bears a striking resemblance to her late father, Dion, and has her mother's personality.At age 16, Lippe stands at the height of 4'8, and has most of her hair brushed to the front of her left shoulder and has a diamond shaped hair accessory with a black bow and golden chains that circle the back of her head to her left ear. She also wears an Officer's Academy uniform in which she wears a white shirt, black long fingerless gloves, a black skirt with shorts underneath, and high heeled boots, which makes her stand at 5'0 with them.

―Although my wish, is only one―
Azure Moon Story
After the battle at Garreg Mach Monastery that caused the whole Monastery to fall, Calliope had gone home to Gaspard alongside her best friend, Jeanne. Although the Monastery had fallen, Lippe never stopped practicing her dancing and training with the sword and magic. Within the span of 5 years, Lippe had started her career as a dancer alongside her mother, and it would have been a matter of time where she would start attending events and performing on her own.That way, Lippe had began to make a name of herself within Faerghus, rumors of her spreading everywhere. Despite how busy she was, Lippe had never forgotten the promise she and her classmates made the night before the ball. In 5 years, they would come to the Monastery and meet once again.Then the announcement came that Prince Dimitri was dead. Despite that, she knew that the prince would want all of them to be true to their promise. After all, she hated breaking promises. So when the day came, she, her sister, and their sister went on their way toward the fallen Monastery with their teenage younger brothers at their side. When they finally arrived with Calliope's best friend, Jeanne; their eyes laid on the figure of their former classmate and professor, both who they thought were long gone.However...Why did his highness look so different now...?Crimson Flower
If Lippe was recruited in the Academy Phase, she would mention how she had always wanted to take this kind of path against the Church. She voices her resentment for their orders to put innocent civilians who defy them to death and speaks of how she tried so hard to survive in the school just by being obedient. After being commissioned as an Imperial Army General, she joins the Black Eagles Strike Force, putting her faith into what she believes in. If Illuminée and Jeanne are not recruited and her paralogue is not completed, she expresses deep reluctance over fighting her siblings and best friend. However, she will be able to recruit them if she defeats them. Killing them will cause her to betray you and go back to the side of her homeland.However, If she is not recruited by Byleth in the Academy Phase, she will show up in the Fight for Fhirdiad as an enemy unit alongside Gilbert, Ashe, Lumi, and Annette. She speaks of how she will protect her home, friends, and family even if it kills her. She may be spared if the Immaculate One is taken down first, although her fate remains unknown.
Verdant Wind/Silver Snow
If she isn't recruited, Lippe shows up as an enemy unit in Ailell, fighting with Gwendal and Ashe. She mentions how she isn't fighting for Lord Rowe, but she couldn't leave Ashe on his own and expresses deep sorrow for seeing her old classmates this way. It is possible for her to meet her end if she is killed, but she will be spared if Ashe is recruited first, and there will be a choice to let her retreat or join your cause.On the other hand, if she is recruited, she pleads to Ashe to come back and that he does not need to fight for someone that isn't himself.
If Lippe and Lumi are both recruited, in the timeskip, their paralogue becomes available in every route. The two are sent a message from their younger brothers in Gaspard informing them that there is an ambush on the village and that they need their help. By the time they arrive, the twins and their battalion are cornered and surrounded, and so the army must reach them before it's too late.By the end of the paralogue, they mention that their mother had been killed while protecting their youngest sister, and Lippe and Lumi express their sorrow before offering to their siblings to come to the monastery with them. At the end, You receive weapons that are locked to the siblings made by Lumi, and Viel and Vrai can officially be recruited into the army, and has the same level as their sisters.
I pray for you, please, be happy
Compared to the Calliope 5 years ago, she changed quite a lot within that very span. While Lippe was once a quiet young lady, she is now very confident and open. She still does hold a lot of responsibility in protecting her family members, but is a little bit more protective of all of them now that she is an adult. Although when her friends tease her or someone makes her flustered, she tends to stumble on her words. However, she is a little cold towards her own enemies and does not hesitate to kill them if the situation warrants it.However, despite that side of her, she holds a lot of care for her fellow classmates, being willing to raise a sword against anyone who would try to hurt them. Her smile is much more honest around them compared to how it was in the past as well.Lippe still tends to be more of a night owl and has trouble waking up in the morning, but when she does, she's usually pretty exhausted and ends up being half asleep for most of the morning. While she has managed to relax from all the resentment she held from 5 years prior, she tries not to lose her temper so easily.

Don’t make this heart polluted
In the 5 year time-skip, Lippe grows up to be a renowned dancer like her mother, she wears pink eyeshadow along with red lipstick as her peach pink hair is lightly tinged blue, due to her mother's hair color fading in to her own hair. She managed to grow to the height of 4'10, and parts of her hair are braided and tied back with a long, red ribbon that accompanies a diamond shaped hair clip, and a golden circlet would be worn around her head.She dons a thick white shirt that is worn underneath a pink and short overdress. She also has a skirt underneath the overdress that has a fur petticoat underneath it. Underneath her clothing, she wears high waist leggings that cover her stomach and long gloves, both being the same color. A cropped jacket with fur inside is worn outside of her outfit and she wears long, high heeled boots that make her stand at 5'2 with them on. Lippe also wears earrings that hang from her ears and one bangle on each of her wrists and a pair on each of her ankles.

Even if I won’t meet you ever again
Calliope's voice comes from Nao Toyama/Lyria(Granblue Fantasy)/Singing and Kira Buckland
Calliope only lets her housemates, friends, and family call her 'Lippe', she has slight discomfort when people she is only acquainted with or doesn't even know call her as such.
Lippe's hometown is Gaspard, the same land lead by Lord Lonato, Ashe's adoptive father.
Is considered the shortest out of the Blue Lions due to her height being 4'8.
Lippe prefers to dual wield as she finds it easier. Plus, she is actually an agile woman.
She wears her father's wedding band on her left middle finger. Her father gave it to her prior to his death, and Calliope cherishes it dearly as it is the only possession of her father that is left.
She's actually really difficult to wake up when she's not waking up on her own, even if there's a lot of noise, she still manages to sleep through it. There is one thing someone can do to wake her up, and that's to cover her mouth, many comment that she could wake up from a kiss, just like Sleeping Beauty.
Apparently, she and her mother are the only women in the family who are actually rather short, Lippe standing at 4'8 while her mother is 5'0.
Although Lippe can sing, she prefers dancing as opposed to it. However, she does sing whenever she is alone.
She learned how to cook and helped with the housework since her mother was always busy and really bad at cooking, and her sister was busy with the shop. However, Lippe isn't very skilled at forging and would only help out with noting down the orders.
Helps her older sister tend to her wounds, and occasionally scolds her for getting herself into a fight.
She was rather wary of the nobles at Officer's Academy at first, but would begin to trust them as the years would go on.
Lippe has a lot of secret admirers, this is mainly due to her talent for dancing and her beauty. Hence why she tends to gain a lot of love letters from people she doesn't particularly know too well. This raises her sister's protectiveness of her.
Calliope holds a lot of resentment for the goddess. After her father died, the treatment and actions she and her mother received from wicked nobles made her despise the goddess and the nobility.
She's extremely afraid of ghosts and thunder. Usually she can't control how she acts when she sees a ghost, but with thunder, all she can do is hide somewhere until it stops.
Even if I’ll be criticized, I won’t care
Lippe's voice actually gets deeper in the timeskip, after all, she's an adult. JP/ENG
Lippe's mother is killed in the timeskip, dying in the arms of her four children. This has fueled Lippe's anger towards the war even more.
If you kill any of her family members and/or Jeanne in routes that are not Azure Moon, Calliope will leave your party and betray you. She knows she has lost too many people that are important to her and will snap if you make her lose any more. However, she can recruit them if she is the one who defeats them.
She still despises the goddess, but depending on the house she is recruited in, she would either bear any mention with a fake smile, or would be rather relaxed if recruited into the Black Eagle House (Crimson Flower).
TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of Sexual Assault
Calliope doesn't do her job without suffering. There are many nobles who look for her hand in marriage because of her beauty and talent. Many have tried to take her but failed because she used self defense against them.
She will have some hesitation if fighting against old friends, but is rather cold to enemies she feels no sympathy for and does not hesitate to kill them.
She actually can't swim. She's a little afraid of getting in the water because a current might wash her away. (She's short leave her alone.)
More will be added
It’s easy to put it into words
Name | Relationship | Rank |
Dion Adair | Father (Deceased) | N/A |
Ella Adair | Mother (Deceased in Timeskip) | N/A |
Viel Adair | Younger Brother | N/A |
Vrai Adair | Younger Brother | N/A |
Lieselotte Adair | Younger Sister | N/A |
Black Eagles
Name | Relationship | Rank |
Edelgard von Hresvelg | Classmate | C |
Dorothea Arnault | Classmate | C |
Blue Lions
Name | Relationship | Rank |
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd | House leader | C |
Illuminée Adair | Elder Sister | C |
Jeanne Weisenhal | Childhood Best Friend | A |
Ingrid Brandl Galatea | Classmate | C |
Golden Deer
Name | Relationship | Rank |
Name | Relationship | Rank |
Byleth Eisner | Teacher | C |

Even if I’ll be laughed at, it’s fine
Dimitri's Introduction
"Calliope is the second daughter of a dancer who is actually very well known in Faerghus. Her older sister is Illuminée and she's also a childhood friend of Jeanne, so the three of them are very close. She may seem small and frail, but she has a strong talent for dancing, and you'll see her around the monastery performing for the other students."
First Kill
"This is horrible...What kind of teaching is this? To kill on behalf of the goddess...?"
When Selected
"What can I do for you?" (Full health)
"I'll keep going!" (Medium/half health)
"This isn't good..." (Low Health)
Upon being Healed
"You have my gratitude."
"Thanks for your help."
Enemy Deals 1 or No Damage or Misses
"I can read you like a book..."
Critical Attack
"Dance for me!"
"Out of my sight!"
"Let's bring this to an end."
"Time to put on a show!"
Facing named enemy
"I didn't want to do this."
"You're wide open!"
"I'll show you!"
Gambit Cut-in
"I'll help you out!"
"Here to help!"
"We'll do this together!"
"I'll support you!"
"Bring it on!"
"Let's do this!"
Performing Gambit
"Hope you're ready."
"We've got you."
"My turn."
Level Up
"This isn't an acceptable result..." (0 to 2 stats up)
"I'm getting better at this thing." (4 stats up)
"Hmhm. The improvement makes me happy." (3 to 5 stats up)
"Have I really gotten stronger?" (6 stats up)
Nearby Ally Defeated Enemy
"You're a natural!"
"Thanks for helping out"
Enemy Defeated
"Sorry about this."
"I didn't want to do this."
"Defeated so easily?"
"Hopefully you rest in peace..."
"I won't let your death be in vain."
"I guess my footwork was a bit much."
"Owowow-! That hurts...! Ugh, I have to fall back..."Pre-Battle Conversations
Chapter 3⁓ Mutiny in the Mist
Soldier of Gaspard
Soldier- Calliope? Is that you?
Lippe- I...remember were one of papa's close friends, you always came to visit when I was little...why are you here!?
Soldier- By word of Lord Lonato, I must help in the rebellion of the church. I suppose it was lucky that your father had passed so soon...then you would not have to fight him.
Lippe- I beg of you, stop it! Papa wouldn't have wanted us to fight like this!
Soldier- My apologies, my dear. But as a soldier of Gaspard, I must protect Lord Lonato by all means, I will not allow him to suffer anymore.Lonato
Lonato- So...the second daughter of Lady Ella comes to defeat me on behalf of the church.
Lippe- Lord Lonato, believe me when I say I do not condone the beliefs of the church, in fact, I cannot afford to be accused of heresy...this is what I am being forced to do.
Lonato- Then will you not go back to your family? Dion would not have wanted his beloved daughter to go down this path.
Lippe- ...I had to kill Papa's friends because of this rebellion you started, I must end it.
Lonato- I see. Then I shall tell your family I'm sorry that I must wound you like this. I will not allow that wretched Rhea to live any longer!
"You...wish for me to join your class? Well, I find you an interesting person, but I actually like the class I'm in right now...I hope you can forgive me."
"Professor? I have a favor to ask of you. I want to be able to improve my skills and I know your class will probably help me get can I please join your class?"
"Really...? I swear, I will give it my all, Professor." (Accept)
"Oh...Alright, I'm sorry for bothering you, Professor." (Decline)
Choir Practice
"I don't really sing all that often, but I'll do it just this once..."
"My father taught me how to cook since my mother has always been terrible at it. What are we going to make today?"
Dining Hall
"Eating with friends is fun, you tend to have a lot of good conversations while eating food."
Favorite Dish⁓ "Wow...This is one of my favorite foods, Professor! Thank you!"
Disliked Dish⁓ "I was told my whole life not to be picky...but it's not good to waste food, so I'll eat it."
With Illuminée
No Support
Lumi- Haha! Lippe, you really need to fix that messy eating habit of yours!
Lippe- I can't help it, It's so yummy...
A Support
Lumi- You've become a bit neater with your eating habits. Huh, Lippe?
Lippe- Well, I am an adult, aren't I? I can't keep the same habit for too long.With Jeanne
No Support
Jeanne- Slow down, Lippe. You've got food on your face.
Lippe- Jean-Jean...Stop treating me like a kid.
A Support
Lippe- Hehe~ Jean-Jean, doesn't this remind you of old times?
Jeanne- When I used to come over for dinner? Of course!Gifts
"I can have this..? Thank you, I love it!" (Liked)
"Thank you for the kind gift, Professor."
"Um...Eer...Thank you..." (Disliked)
Lost Items
"How did you find this...? I was looking for this everywhere...!"
"Did someone lose this? I'm sorry, but this isn't mine..."
Bad⁓ "Oh...I didn't get this at all..."
- Critique⁓ "I'm sorry...I'll do better next time..."
- Console⁓ "I'll keep doing my best!"
Great⁓ "I think I've got it."
Great⁓ "Am I doing better at least?"
Perfect⁓ "Now that's progress!"
- Praise⁓ "Hehe, hearing you praise me makes me feel so happy."
Group Tasks
With Illuminée
Lippe- You know, this might not be so bad!
Lumi- It isn't as bad as whenever we would pick all those weeds at home!
Lippe- Well, we still have more weeds at home, though. Hopefully Mama, Viel, and Vrai took good care of those.
With Lumi
Perfect result:
Lippe- We really got everything done, didn't we, Onee-chan?
Lumi- That's the Adair sisters for ya!
Good result:
Lumi- Well...At least we managed to get the job done, but we really should've done better.
Lippe- You're not wrong on that...
Certification Exams
"I really passed!" (Passed)
"I'm sorry...I'll do better." (Failed)
White Heron Cup Dialogue
"A lot has happened last month, I'm tired. I'm glad that this month has a ball coming up. Ah- I heard that the White Heron cup is upon us and we need a representative...I know I've been dancing ever since I was young, but I'm a little hesitant to think about it..."
Yes: "Me? Um...I'll try my best, Professor. I should get some practice in"
No: "I'm glad...I'm sure whoever you choose will help us win."
Winning the White Heron Cup⁓ "I'm not sure if this was a fair win..."
Aftermath-Losing⁓ "Hah...I'm sorry, Professor...I practiced so hard yet I really let you down."
Aftermath-Winning⁓ "I still can't believe I won...I guess being a dancer's daughter has it's perks. I've never danced as a means of competition, so this is a little new."
Black Eagles Temporary Encampment
"I never thought I would be able to be here. Personally, I feel like it's just a dream. I don't want our place in society to revolve around crests. People already use their authority to do what they please towards those lower than them and make others suffer. I don't want innocent people to be killed just because they are against the Church of Seiros. I won't forgive them. I will never forgive them."
Greeting⁓ "Thank you for inviting me out."
Choosing her favorite tea⁓ "Ah...This is actually my favorite kind! I'm quite surprised that you knew."
Five Star Tea⁓ " sure I can drink this? It looks really high quality."
Introducing own Topic
"You see, my mother taught me how to dance at a young age! So I'm rather knowledgable of it!"
"My older sister can be rather troublesome sometimes, but don't let her overwhelm you!"
"I don't like dancing for people who don't know their own boundaries, it's really irritating to say the least."
"I read this amazing romance novel the other day, and it really brought me to tears! Ah...Though it's a bit embarrassing to admit."
"I don't talk about my younger siblings too often, but the twins are a big handful when they're together. I just hope they aren't giving mama a hard time."
"Have you seen the roses today? They look so beautiful!"
"I was thinking about performing at the gardens today. Would you like to come and watch?"
"Jean-Jean may seem a little distant, but don't worry, she's really nice once you get to know her!"
"Personally, I don't want to dance for my goddess, I want to dance for myself and other people."
"I try to take good care of my body. I need to stay in good shape to continue dancing after all."
"Um...Do you need something? It's a little embarrassing when you stare like that."
"The most important things when it comes to dancing are stamina and flexibility. That's at least what I was taught."
"I feel a little self conscious being around all these nobles. So I tend to interact better with other commoners."
"Thank you so much for tea, Professor. I hope we can bond like this another time."

But even so, if I don’t say it, you’ll never know
Timeskip Reunion
Arriving⁓ "We got here as soon as we could! Looks like we're going to have to wait on our little bonding time until after the battle."
Speaking to Byleth⁓ "Professor! I can't believe it's really you! I'm so happy that you're safe!"
When Selected
"Showtime." (Full health)
"Careful now." (Medium/half health)
"I can't die here..." (Low Health)
Upon being Healed
"I'm grateful."
"Thank you so much."
Enemy Deals 1 or No Damage or Misses
"Wrong move"
Critical Attack
"Dance for me!"
"Sorry, you're in my way!"
"I won't lose to the likes of you!"
"Time to put on a show!"
Facing named enemy
"You're mine!"
"Time for your final bow!"
"Out of my way!"Gambit Cut-in
"I'll help too!"
"Here to help!"
"We'll do this together!"
"I'll support you!"
"Bring it on!"
"Time for our performance!"
Performing Gambit
"Got you wrapped around my finger!"
"Let's get this show on the road!"
"All eyes on us!"
Level Up
"Well, that was some poor work..." (0 to 2 stats up)
"That's the spirit!" (4 stats up)
"That's another step to ending this war!" (3 to 5 stats up)
"Hmhm Now that's quite the performance!." (6 stats up)
Nearby Ally Defeated Enemy
"You've become rather strong."
Enemy Defeated
"Show's over for you."
"I'm sorry, I had no choice."
"The curtain's closed."
"Phew...that was rather tough."
"You dug your grave."
"That was quite the dance."
"I can't die here...I'm sorry, I have to fall back for now..."
"I failed...but at least...I can see you again...Papa..."
"So...this is the end...I couldn't protect anyone...Viel, Vrai, Loti...I'm sorry your big sister was so weak..." (Crimson Rose)
"Ashe...forgive me for being weak...Please...take care of my siblings for me..." (Verdant Wind/Silver Snow-Ailell)Pre-Battle Conversation
"So you've arrived, Professor...I'm sorry to cut our reunion short, but I won't allow you to continue this anymore."
"I'm sorry, Professor. I may not want anything to do with Lord Rowe, but I can't leave Ashe alone like this. If you want to kill Sir Gwendal, you'll have to go through me!"
Lippe- came to kill me, didn't you?
Ashe- Lippe...I really didn't want us to meet again like this...
Lippe- I don't want to hear anything. I'm sorry, Ashe. Both of us have family, but we're at war, and one of us has to go.
Ashe- Then I'm sorry too, Lippe. I won't stop here.
Ashe(While Lippe is in CF)
Ashe- Lippe...Are you really going to do this to Faerghus?
Lippe- I'm sorry, Ashe. I'm not going to side with the church that had forced us to kill innocent civilians.
Lippe- I don't want to hurt you. But if you don't retreat, I have no choice.
Ashe- Then I won't retreat. I'm sorry, Lippe.
Lippe- Ashe, I really don't want to hurt you. You don't have to fight for House Rowe...Come on, come home with me and we can go see your siblings again.
Ashe- I'd love to, Lippe. But I can't stand down here. If Lord Lonato gave his life for his own cause, so will I.
Lippe- Then I'll do whatever I can to make you come back. This'll hurt for just a bit.
Lumi- Lippe...I can't believe this.
Lippe- Me neither, Onee-chan. But I'm fighting for what I believe in.
Lumi- I really don't want to hurt you, little sis. Now's your chance to go back.
Lippe- No...I won't. I'll make you join me, even if it means giving you a smackdown.
Jeanne- Lippe...
Lippe- Don't look at me like that, Jean-Jean. Just come join me so that I don't have to do this.
Jeanne- I'm not sure...I want to, but I can't. Not with all of those nobles.
Lippe- Then I'll have force you. I refuse to let you be killed in this war. We'll go home together, I promise.
Verdant Wind Recruitment
"I see...So he has joined your cause. I have no reason to fight for Lord Rowe now that he has joined you, so I will retreat unless you have something to ask of me."
Death Reaction
(If Jeanne is killed) "No...Nononono...This can't be happening! JEAN-JEAN!"
(If Ashe is killed) "Ashe! No...please don't do this to me, not you..!"
(If Illuminee is killed) "Onee-chan! You can't die! No...NO!!"
(If Viel/Vrai are killed) "Was I not able to protect my younger brother after all!? Viel/Vrai...please....get up...Big sis is begging you..."
Betrayal (In routes other than Azure Moon) (If Jeanne/Her siblings are killed)
"I'm sorry..but after taking the lives of those who were important to me...I'm not going to stand idly by and watch you do it again..."
I remember your heartbeat and warmth
Calliope―Elegant Fairy (Azure Moon/Verdant Wind)
After the war ended, Calliope went back to her home village in Gaspard to take care of her siblings. She still continued to dance at events all around Faerghus and soon, all of Fódlan. Stories of her dances along with her late mother's would be told through her diary entries, and later, to the future generations of dancers that would rise.
Calliope (If she dies before the timeskip)
Returned home after the Battle of Garreg Mach, but was forced to marry a noble who put her into seclusion. She was unable to make the promised meeting.
Ashe―Arrow of Justice and Calliope―Elegant Fairy
After the war, Ashe was formally knighted, and appointed the new head of House Gaspard, which had no successors. The young and inexperienced lord faced a great deal of difficulty in governing. However, due to Calliope's performances, he always became motivated and never lost heart. The two got married, and with their shared love for children, started a family of their own and were blessed with many children. The eldest daughter who was named after Calliope's late mother, Ella and the second son was named after Lord Lonato. Although both of them were busy with their own duties, Calliope as a dancer and Ashe as the head of House Gaspard, whenever the two had an encounter, many spoke of how Calliope immediately rushed and tackled him into a hug. They never failed to show how much they loved each other to the very end.

It’s so painful I can’t even breathe
Please click the photos on each of the pages for the original sources! If there is no link attached, then the art is my own!Calliope/Lippe mun or Banana/Bina is fine!She/They Pronouns Please!20 years of ageCurrently an amateur artist screaming internallyDon't mind me if I tend to drop threads, but if I rise from the dead, just tell me and I'll go reply!My personal is @caeIumdraco
Love and even loneliness
I’ll try to accept both of them
Smut will be in my NSFW account or in DMS with Timeskip Lippe. Muse and Mun has to be OF AGE.This account is strictly 16+ due to lewd/offensive jokesNo GodmoddingMultiship + With Chem- However, no teachers or those with a huge age gap. Byleth is an exception.I'm fine with topics such as gore/blood. But I'm not fine with topics such as rape/pedophilia/actual incest/etc. If you do mention these topics, PLEASE make sure to DM me!Please source your art, that's all I ask, really. It shouldn't be that hard to source your stuff. Just find some various websites that find the sources for you.Not a big fan of drama, so if you start up something, you bet I will soft block you. Also no racism, transphobia,homophobia, and any kind of discrimination against the lgbtq+ community, I will LITERALLY block you.